Market Report 6 February 2024

6th Feb 2024

Cattle - 1823

Inverell penned 1823 mostly good quality cattle which was 490 extra. The regular buyers attended although not all took part in the competition. Those who did operated to mixed trends. Steer
weaners sold 320c to 402c/kg and considerably cheaper. The heifer portion made 358c/kg and were up 30c/kg. Light yearling steers to feed were firm 280c to 388c/kg. Medium weight steers to feed slipped 11c/kg however heavy feeders were 15c/kg better. Light heifers to restockers were back 22c/kg and medium feeder heifers dearer making to 344c/kg. Heavy feeders 300c to 340c/kg. Both grown steers and heifers sold to cheaper trends. Cows were cheaper throughout with a major
exporter not operating. Heavy cows to 18c/ kg cheaper and sold to 271c/kg. Heavy bulls were up to 45c/kg better selling to 283c/kg.

Yarding – 3044 Lambs – 1622 Sheep – 1422

Inverell penned 1622 lambs and 1422 grown sheep an extra 792 head. There were limited numbers of quality lambs along with a large offering of Dorper lambs principally light stores. Most of the light lambs went to restocker orders. Very few finished grown sheep and again many of these were Dorpers. The regular buyers attended to mixed trends. Dorper lambs to the paddock $128 to $132/head. Trade lambs $110 to $138/head. Heavy trade lambs were $40/head dearer and made to $200/head. Heavy lambs were dearer and sold $188 to $214/head. Lambs in excess of 30 kgs cwt were up to $14/head dearer selling to $221/head. Heavy young lambs made to $176/head and hoggets sold to $100/head. Light crossbred ewes were $8/head cheaper selling $69 to $72/head. Heavy cross-breds sold up to $104/head and a pen of very heavy Dorper ewes sold to $220/head.

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