Market Report 5 March 2024

5th Mar 2024

Cattle - 1137
Trends slipped through most categories in a penning of 1137 mixed cattle at Inverell. Most operators competed with subdued competition. Background weaner steers 7c/kg cheaper light yearling steers also cheaper by 15c/kg to average 344c/kg .Both categories purchased by restockers. Light feeders sold to cheaper trends with a decline of 13c/kg along with similar trends for medium weight feeders back 4c/kg and selling 322c to 359c/kg. Heavy processing steers were softer by 3c to 9c/kg. Feeder heifers under 330kgs live weight were 5c/kg cheaper and medium feeders 27c/kg dearer 270c to 336c/kg. Restocker were competitive in the medium weight heifers to restock averaging 321c/kg. Heavy grown steers were cheaper as were similar weight heifers selling to 282/kg to process and as much as 27c/kg cheaper. Heavy cows sold to a firm market 240c to 257c/kg medium cows back 18c/kg and restocker cows cheaper by 24c/kg to make 218c/kg. The top of the bull market got to 270c/kg.

Yarding – 3045 Lambs – 1541 Sheep – 1504
A slight increase of 1504 grown sheep and 1541 lambs at Inverell. It was a well presented offering of heavy trade and extra heavy lambs and another large penning of Dorper store lambs. The regular buyers attended to a mostly dearer market. Dorper lambs to the restockers took centre stage $97 to $125/head. In addition there was extra interest in Merino lambs back to the paddock $45 to $60/head. Trade lambs sold to a rise of $22/head making to $140/head. Heavy trades ranged $145 to $176/head with heavy lambs to $32/head better for crossbreds and Dorpers $13/head selling to $160/head. Lambs in excess of 30kgs cwt sold to $22/head dearer $198 to $211/head . Heavy hog-gets sold to $160/head. Light ewes sold to $36/head medium weights $23/head dearer selling to $36/head and heavy Dorpers $30/head dearer selling to $80/head.

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